Bioenergy Europe joins Negative Emissions Platform

Bioenergy Europe joins the Negative Emissions Platform, reinforcing the representation of bioenergy with carbon capture and storage within our trade association.

Nov. 29, 2021

Bioenergy Europe is the voice of European bioenergy. It aims to develop a sustainable bioenergy market based on fair business conditions. Founded in 1990, Bioenergy Europe is a non-profit, Brussels-based international organisation bringing together 41 associations and 122 companies, as well as academia and research institutes from across Europe.

“Bioenergy offers an essential opportunity to Europe for a negative emission pathway, that sounds reasonable on a technico-economic level.” Says Jean Marc Jossart, Secretary General of Bioenergy Europe. “The same ton of biomass saves CO2 emissions several times: once when used as material instead of fossil intensive concrete or steel, then as bio-waste substituting fossil fuels for energy, and thirdly through bioenergy CCS. A real cascade of CO2 savings.”

Bioenergy Europe recently published a useful factsheet on bioenergy with carbon capture and storage.